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About the Class of 2028

No set of statistics or averages can define a Bowdoin student—each of whom are entirely different from one another—but on the whole, the college admits young people who are thoughtful, driven, and curious.

Applicant Pool for the Class of 2028

The acceptance rate for the Class of 2028 was 7 percent. The applicant pool consisted of 13,265 candidates.

Applied 13,265
Admitted 946
Enrolled 507

We're Test Optional 

Bowdoin was the first test-optional college in the country—starting more than fifty years ago, in 1969. Fifty-four percent of the Class of 2028 chose not to submit test scores. Learn more about our test-optional policy.  

Data on this page is current as of September 2024. Visit the Bowdoin Facts and Figures webpage for more information about enrollment, graduation rates, and more.

The 507 members of the Class of 2028 are:

  • 52% women, 45% men, 3% another identity (including non-binary)
  • 70% from outside of New England
  • 39% students of color
  • 11% international background*
  • 9% Maine residents
  • 16% first generation to attend college (neither parent ha a four-year college degree)
  • 14 states with ten or more students (CA, CT, FL, IL, ME, MA, MD, NJ, NY, NC, PA, TX, VA, WA)

*Home or school address or primary citizenship is non-US.

Class of 2028 Arrival Day

Story and photo gallery.

"To gain a standard for the appreciation of others' work, and the criticism of your own—"

This is the Offer of the College